What is a walk-in
A walk-in interview is usually all about screening the right
candidates without an appointment. You may come across information about such
walk in interviews at the career fairs or newsletters. Such interviews are shorter
and the recruiters usually ask lesser number of questions than a regular formal
interview. The recruiters sort out the candidates based on the requirements of
the job profile and offer them the job at the end. Such interviews are used to cut
short the pool of applicants. Those who get lucky to crack the interview are
called for formal interview later, usually!
The fresher candidates should take out some time explore
themselves and prove that they are the ideal candidate for a position, the most
essential thing to a successful interview preparation.
Before the interview
Study the company:
Grab a notebook or a word document where you can take notes. With an overall
initial Google search, you will find you thousands of links. No need to read
all the articles, but it would be important to open a few links, especially when
it comes to major publications such as BusinessWeek, Fortune, Inc., Fast
Company, or any other.
Once you have an idea about the company in general, you can
head to Google News to see which articles were published that are related to
the company. How will it help you that information? You can use it to make a
general analysis of the situation of the company. Especially negative news
might help you understand a little better the challenges.
Remember that while approaching for a walk in interview, you
will have to face a stiff competition from other applicants like your, hence to
give yourself and edge over others, you must do your homework properly and
leave no scope for confusion about the company.
Corporate website:
Typically, the businesses have their devoted websites, which entail their
accomplishments and also include the latest data about the company’s
performance. Surely, in the press releases section, the company will focus on
all the positive things that have happened in recent months. This information
will also help in the conversation during the interview. You can mention the
interviewer that you are aware of expansion plans they have or what is culture
within the institution. These things will certainly impress the interviewer
without any doubt!
On LinkedIn, you can also find information about the company
by performing a quick search. Even if you could find any of your contacts have
any relationship with the company, you can certainly seek the information,
which can be useful for your interview. Once you have completed your search,
you can prepare a report for your own use on everything you've learned and
recorded, and this include strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities
Review your resume:
Prior to the interview, you need to review your resume. Prepare questions in
the area of your expertise, education, or relevant courses you took during your
college years.
Check your letter
- For the same reasons that you review your resume, you might check your letter
to see the emphasis you gave in it.
Usually the job seekers appearing for walk in interviews
usually do not take the process seriously and often destroy their candidature
without even being aware of it. Avoid such mistakes and keep this in mind that
the employers’ first impressions are decisive. If you come unprepared, you will
be in trouble. Once eliminated, it will be harder for you to get back into good
books of the recruiters and employees.