The Biggest Digital Marketing Trends For 2016

Digital marketing is constantly evolving. With new advertising platforms developing on a daily basis, it is not easy to follow the latest trends. Staying on top of the newest technologies and marketing strategies that guarantee your product more attention than ever, is another struggle that people in advertising face as well. Nevertheless, using the latest marketing trends is imperative in any business, so it is essential to know what 2016 has to offer in that field.
Video Advertising
With channels and social media as You Tube and Facebook, which incorporates video ads into its videos, digital advertising of a product has never been more widespread. Video ads are quite familiar to everyone in digital marketing, but 2016 is going to be different in this trend because Google is about to acquire the in-SERP video advertising. This shows that users are not as defensive when it comes to video ads online, as they were before. Consequently, more video ads are about to start showing up all over the Internet.
Mobile vs Desktop
Mobile dominance have been around for quite some time, and the more time goes by the more we have all become dependent on our smartphones. Mobile devices will, without a doubt, completely take over the desktop usage. The fact that in the previous year, the Google announced that mobile overtook desktop traffic in 10 different countries speaks for itself. The release of a mobile algorithm update, made sure that the sites that were not optimized for mobile phones do not appear in search results if one browses on their mobile phone. However, if your web site is only optimized for mobile usage and not the desktop search, it is acceptable. This only proves that desktop traffic is slowly retiring, and that mobile traffic starts its domination.
Digital Assistants
Search engine optimization and pay per click advertising are the two best strategies for making the web site appear among the first in the Google search results. However, with the development of digital assistants as Siri and Cortana, the new type of optimization was born. The assistants will redefine the search process completely. There is no need for a browser window to be opened anymore. Furthermore, users are able to use conversational commands and in order to engage with an interface, and get the requested information. The most important thing with optimizing with these assistants is that they can have an easy access to the information about your business.
App Indexing
The online visibility advantages of a dedicated app are vast, and 2016 is the year in which more business owners will come to realize it. We have already had the opportunity to get to know the mobile-optimized site, and the wonders it does. However, the apps are about to take the place of these sites, considering the app that digital agency develops will have the ability to do all the same things a site can. However, the apps will do it in a more accessible, convenient and intuitive way.
Some statistics show that more than 3.5 billion people use messaging apps every month. Marketers have become aware of the fact, and Facebook was among the first to integrate campaign into Facebook Messenger. WhatsApp is also embracing the business accounts option, while Snapchat gave advertisers the opportunity to create their geofilter and make their product noticeable. Messaging is evolving very fast, and it will soon be on the top of the digital world.
Live Streaming
Periscope and Facebook Live videos have recently showed up and are already incredibly popular and dominant. Blogs, images, and posts are no longer enough for the target audience. The need for people to have all the information now and in real time have driven the developers to give their customers what they wanted. The most important thing is to be constantly connected to your customers, and listen to what they want. Engage with them, and provide them with as much interactive content as possible. Interaction is the future.
Marketing trends are developing faster and faster, and we are more amazed with the new technologies that they bring us. 2016 is definitely one of the years that has and will yet bring huge innovations that will make anyone’s business more profitable. 

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