First job interview fares quite high in the
professional lives of a fresh college graduate. It is a stepping stone for them
into practical life. Mostly, they are quite apprehensive about the questions
they’ll be asked by the interviewer and have no clue what kind of answers are
best to give that may impress the employers and showcase their knowledge and
acumen in their related field.

This is the most likely asked question and
is asked to start the conversation basically. It is to generally know about whom
you are regardless of which field you belong to. Employers try to assess your
personality and your self-assurance through this basic question. You can start
by telling them about your education, some information about your family,
professions of your father and mother, number of siblings you have and your
hobbies to start with. This kind of information provides an insight about interviewee’s
personal life to the employers.
This question is directed toward the fresher’s
to gauge their enthusiasm for the field they are applying for. Now, most of the
students who steps into professional life know what they want and what their
calling is. But let’s be honest not everyone is that sure about the direction
he wants to follow professionally. So, this question may be a little
troublesome for them. But even if you lack passion for the job you should have
an answer to this question. You can always prepare a good answer by knowing the
basics of the field. At least, to the employers your passion should be evident
in your answer.
This is a trick question and you have to
tread very carefully as this could prove to be very dangerous grounds. Mostly
employers want to know whether you just randomly picked the company or just
applied because there was an opening. Your answer should never be afore mentioned
reasons. You shouldn’t start praising the company relentlessly either as it
would look too vulgar and would be considered an attempt at buttering up your
way into the company. Rather, your response should be addressing general
aspiration of yours. You could tell them things like the companies you were
willing to work for should have same values as yours, etc. This could
generalize your response without sounding too contrived.
This is another basic question asked quite
a lot from the fresher’s. The employers are looking for the best candidate for
the said position and through this question; they are assessing your standing
in the job market. So it is quite imperative that your answer encompass your
key strengths comprehensively. This question should be answered with great care
as this could prove, make or break point in your virgin job interview. You
should know your strength inside out. You can talk about your positive nature
or can relate to any project in your college life in which you had input,
showcased you as a team member. Depending upon the interview, you can change
them. Just point out your strength without sounding boastful or arrogant.
Never leap too far ahead into future as far
as your goals are concerned while answering this particular question. Always
state your short term goals. If you actually have any plan, state it with
reasons. If not, then keep your answer generic. You can state your answer in
line with professional growth with the company with long term ambitions of
getting a responsible position to make significant contribution to the growth
of both yourself and the company. Whatever answer you choose it should be
delivered with conviction. This will impress the employers about your passion
and you have a better shot at getting the job.
These are some of the questions that are
mostly asked by the employers and fresher’s can respond to them in a better way
if they follow these guidelines and be positive in their attitude.
AUTHOR’S BIO: Harold Brookes is
a motivational speaker and Masters in Psychology. He regularly contributes
valuable articles for Pay for Essay
Writing and is quite passionate about social work. He is an ardent music
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